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Tc's Disc Jockey Svc.

West Springfield | United States

  • Music & Entertainment



Why You Should Choose TC's Disc Jockey Service for your Wedding Planning your Wedding entertainment should be fun, simple and stress-free. Our experienced Wedding DJs know weddings in and out. They keep your day running smoothly and on point. You are never left in the dark as to what is coming next. We are Wedding reception experts, not just your DJ. A seasoned DJ/Emcee knows how to precisely execute the flow of your day while working closely with your other vendors. You will receive a completed outline of your Wedding day after our detailed meeting 4-6 weeks prior to the wedding to ensure you know exactly what happens and when. At TC's Disc Jockey Service we work with our clients every step of the way in planning, creating, and executing their dream Wedding. Each and every couple is different in the way they picture their perfect Wedding reception, and here at TC's Disc Jockey Service we let our clients plan their Wedding to their specifications. We will give you every idea, pointer, opinion, or suggestion that you would like based on our years of experience, but ultimately the final decision on everything is yours. We work very closely, and coordinate with all your vendors to ensure every detail is executed precisely. We are available to answer questions you have along the way in the planning process at any time. Even if your question has absolutely nothing to do with the music/entertainment portion of your wedding, we are here to help. With our years of experience in the Wedding industry, we will be happy to assist you or give you our opinions, and suggestions on any aspect of your wedding.

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